Independence Day for my book! – Graeme Ing, Author

Independence Day for my book!

Today, on the morning of July 4th, my book had its own Independence Day. My book has been freed. What am I prattling on about? Let me step back a week.

Last week I celebrated the completion of the first draft of my new dark fantasy novel. A major milestone, yay! I started preparing and collating my notes for all the changes and improvements to make in the second draft. The second draft is where the book really comes alive.

And this is where I ran into problems over the weekend. I began to find plot flaws, things I hadn't noticed when writing it. In some places the reader has to make unreasonable intuitive leaps. I found situations where the hero or antagonist does things to make the plot work but that weren't sensibly inherent to their character, or vice versa, they don't do things that they ought to have. This usually comes about when you craft a book by plot points and not organically based upon a deep understanding of the relationships between all the characters, and their goals and motivations, internal and external.

Many authors are no doubt nodding their heads at this point, having gone through the same pains between first and second drafts. It's typical to find such flaws, particularly in a book with a complex plot, but they're all fixable. For me, the second draft is the most creative and fun (if frustrating) part of writing a book – this is where you mold 90,000+ words into a dramatic, tense and exciting plot.

But… I had another problem. Three secondary characters play a pivotal role in my story. They're unusual characters, and I'll give you a quick teaser by saying that at least one of the three is dead. I adored writing these characters and their inclusion is both fun and essential. What's the problem? They never became embedded in the story at a fundamental level. I don't like tenuous links

Back to the present day – morning of July 4th. I sat down and made a complete plot line on index cards and highlighted all my plot flaws and issues. I didn't want to just shore them up; I wanted an over-arching way to fix them. And I found it. I now have a historical subplot that links my three important secondary characters both in the past and the present of the book. From that I systematically fixed my plot flaws in what I believe (read as hope!) is a consistent, organic way.

My book has been freed.

And to serve as the finale fireworks, my efforts this morning also built me a richer, deeper, more satisfying plot, one that should make my second draft significantly better than the first.

Happy 4th everyone!

Leave a Comment:

Christine Rains says July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth! Congratulations on completing the first draft and finding a way to fix your plot problem. 🙂 I do like your teaser that one of your characters is dead. Hehehe!

Angela Brown says July 4, 2013

Let freedom sing via the words of your story. May the plot line be in pursuit of reader happiness 🙂

Mary says July 5, 2013

Glad your story has been freed and inspiration hit as to how to make it all work. I love those moments.

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